Press News

“The Cause” continues with Magyar Telekom

Budapest, November 24, 2008

Magyar Telekom’s charity program on TV2, “The Cause” continues in November and December with the sixth series. Viewers can help the foundations presented attain their goals by making phone vote calls for the given cause. The foundation receiving the most votes obtains HUF 5 million, each of the organizations representing the other three Causes obtains HUF 1 million donation from Magyar Telekom.

On Wednesday late night documentaries are shown where Andrea Kandász asks the viewers to help the four non-profit organizations attain their goals to make socially important causes the common cause of all people.

Participants of the sixth series shown on four Wednesdays starting on November 19:

Handicapped People’s Independent Life Association
True Pearl Foundation
Single Parents’ Club Foundation
Démétér Foundation
Viewers can vote for the organization whose cause they want to support by calling the phone number 1771. The foundation receiving the most votes obtains HUF 5 million, each of the organizations representing the other three Causes obtains HUF 1 million donation. Votes cast from Magyar Telekom’s (T-Home, T-Mobile) network cost HUF 200 (this amount excludes VAT except for calls made with a Domino prepaid card); the telco transfers the total amount to the organization the viewer voted for. So these amounts are donations by the viewers that add to the donation given by Magyar Telekom to help attainment of the goals shown in the documentaries.