Wholesale broadband fibre bitstream access service quality indicators
Quality indicators measured and published according to NHH Resolution No. DH-23398-31/2007:
- Indicator: New access provisioning time
- Definition: Period of provisioning new accesses to the service fulfilled in 80% of the cases.
- Measurement method: The new access provisioning time measurement is based on the number of started calendar days between the date of valid order (or date of entry into force of the subscription contract) and the date of physical performance of provisioning, taken from the relevant database.
- Unit: provisioning time [days]
- Measured value (1H2012): -
- Measured value (2H2012): -
- Measured value (2012): -
- Indicator: Quality complaint related fault repair time
- Definition: Time of fault repair launched on the basis of quality related complaints fulfilled in 80% of the cases.
- Measurement method: The time of fault repair upon reported quality complaints indicator measurement is based on the number of started hours between the date of fault report and the date of physical performance of fault repair, taken from the relevant database.
- Unit: fault repair time [hours]
- Measured value (1H2012): -
- Measured value (2H2012): -
- Measured value (2012): -
- Indicator: Service availability
- Definition: Ratio of the total time of service availability to the total theoretical service time in the data collection period.
- Measurement method: The service availability indicator is calculated on the basis of the Service Provider’s support systems and records. Defective performance statistics are calculated on the basis of the total time between the time of fault report received by the Service Provider (in respect of faults within the control of the Service Provider) and the time of fault repair in the data collection period. The total number of defective hours is the number of defective hours added up on the basis of fault report records plus the period of non-scheduled and schedule downtime periods (service outages). The annual service availability is the ratio of total defective time in the given year to the total service time in the given year for all subscriber access points expressed in percentage.
- Unit: availability [%]
- Measured value (1H2012): 100
- Measured value (2H2012): 100
- Measured value (2012): 100