OUR culture and values

Kép leírása: Kultúránk és értékeink

Magyar Telekom considers the diversity of its employees as an asset for its business. According to our diversity guidelines we consider and promote the diversity of our employees, partners and the business environment in general. Beyond all this Magyar Telekom, as a responsible employer, pays special attention to removing discrimination from the workplace environment and to ensuring equal treatment for all. We also endeavor to provide equal opportunities for underrepresented employee groups. Based on this responsibility and dedication we have adopted basic documents that ensure the full assertion of these basic principles.

Code of Human Rights and Social Principles

Social standards are transparent and obligatory for the whole group of companies through the Code of Human Rights and Social Principles, which has been developed in accordance with internationally recognized norms, directives and standards, in particular those of the:

  • International Bill of Human Rights,
  • the ILO Core Conventions,
  • the OECD Guidelines,
  • the Global Compact,
  • the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises,
  • and Social Policy (MNE Declaration),
  • and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

As a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom Group Magyar Telekom Group strives to be in full compliance with the contents of the Code of Human Rights and Social Principles..

Diversity Policy

The importance of our corporate values and our brand require that the individual differences of all our stakeholders (shareholders, customers, employees and suppliers) be recognized, appreciated and utilized. Magyar Telekom Group’s Management Committee, Board of Directors and all its managers have a special responsibility with respect to the achievement of diversity within the group in the sense that they walk the talk in their approach to and treatment of diversity through tolerance and inclusion, and, furthermore, encourage and reward commitment in this regard.

Equal Opportunities Plan

Magyar Telekom endeavors to ensure the improvement of the situation of the respective disadvantaged employee groups, and to provide for them equal opportunities. With a view to this the group adopted, with the organizations representing the employees’ interests at the group, a two-year Equal Opportunities Plan in 2008. The Plan sets out measures to improve the situation of the employee groups concerned. In 2010 the company adopted the second Equal Opportunities Plan, which also covers two years. In addition to all this Magyar Telekom is open to joining initiatives taken in the state, business and NGO spheres aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and the attainment of social equity.

Employee relations policy

Based on our shared values and Guiding Principles, this policy offers a framework that enables the entire workforce to strengthen business performance, contribute individually to business objectives and increase shareholder value. Employee relations cover all aspects of the work life cycle that are relevant to the employment relationship. With this Group policy on employee relations, we are aiming to build a global cultural umbrella for our diverse and international workforce. It specifies the key elements of Deutsche Telekom’s human resources policy. It describes what we stand for in our relationships with employees all over the globe. These relationships are characterized by our shared values and derive from our five Guiding Principles as well as from other Group policies. Together they represent the basis for building employee relationships within the Deutsche Telekom Group. Employee Relations at Magyar Telekom are based on the following key-elements:

  • Guiding Principles,
  • Recruitment and Development,
  • Responsible Management of organizational changes,
  • Health, safety and sustainability,
  • Remuneration and rewarding,
  • Work-life,
  • Leadership,
  • Diversity,
  • Prohibition of discrimination and harassment,
  • Engagement and communication,
  • Labor and industrial relations.

As a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom Group Magyar Telekom Group strives to be in full compliance with the contents of the Group Employee Relations Policy.

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