Telekom application manual

Telekom App download for Android and iOS

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Start typing "Telekom" in the Play Store.

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Click download.

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Try searching for "Telekom alkalmazás" in the App Store.

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Click download.

For log in, you have to register your phone number first!

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Click "Regisztráció".

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Type in your phone number and click on "Kérem az SMS-t".

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You have to type in the code that you get in SMS and then click on "Folytatás".
If you didn't get a code you can request a new one with "Új SMS-t kérek".

Change language to english

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Open the App and click on Menu.

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Select "Beállítások".

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Select "Nyelv".

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Select "English"

Top up your credit balance quickly

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Select „Quick Topup”!

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Choose the topup value!

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Select the payment method with card then "+ Add new card".

You would like to speak more or need more data? Choose from our call or data options!

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Choose „Options”!

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For data options, choose „Belföldi és EU-s netbővítők”, for voice options, choose „Beszélgetés, SMS”.

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Choose from one time options („Egyszeri”), recurring options („Megújuló”) or Maraton which you can use till it lasts.

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After choosing the option, click „Purchase".

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Confirm your choice with „Confirm”.