Press News

Magyar Telekom has prepared its sustainability report according to strict and advanced principles - Community goals, community successes

Budapest, September 18, 2007

Magyar Telekom has released a Sustainability Report on its 2006 activities and results in compliance with the latest GRI G3 principles. For environmental considerations the report has been printed in a limited number of copies, but it is available in electronic form at

For the past six years Magyar Telekom has been documenting in reports its efforts and achievements in the field of environment protection and sustainable growth.
The Third Generation Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G3) implemented in 2006 is a set of strict criteria applied by the world’s biggest businesses in preparing their sustainability reports. Thanks to these principles, it is easy to compare the sustainability efforts and achievements of the different companies. This year Magyar Telekom was among the first companies to prepare its report in compliance with the third generation reporting principles, and the report was also audited by an independent agency.
It has already become tradition that the group coordinates its sustainability efforts and results with a number of important public and industry organizations every year. This year Magyar Telekom will receive the representatives of these organizations on November 26 to discuss, among other issues, the details of the report and the expectations of the stakeholder parties.
For environmental considerations only twice 200 copies of the report have been printed naturally on 100% recycled paper. But anyone can read the report in electronic form on the Internet and this also helps make publicity for the environmental benefits of infocommunications.
Any comments on the report are welcome; they should be sent to