Press Releases

Magyar Telekom to terminate its residential electricity utility services

Budapest, July 31, 2017 16:00

As of November 1, 2017 Magyar Telekom ceases to provide electric utility service for residential users eligible for the universal service. From this date on the nationwide universal service provider, DÉMÁSZ Plc. - belonging to Nemzeti Közművek (National Public Utilities) - is ready to continue the provision of the service for the customers concerned. Those customers who wish to conclude their new contracts with another electricity supplier or universal service provider will have to provide for the conclusion of the contract and the initiation of the replacement of the service provider by themselves, until the deadline of September 30, 2017.

Telekom launched the energy services in 2010 with the objective to provide even more new services and offers to its customers. By way of providing more favorable fees than the regulated universal price Telekom has been contributing to the reduction of the energy costs incurring with its residential customers.

Telekom provides the residential electric utility service until October 31, 2017 and upon the termination of the contracts sends the final invoice to its customers. The company deems it especially important to ensure a smooth transition. To this end Telekom set up a new process to ensure comfortable services to its customers and the continuity of the electric service.

From November 1, 2017 the nationwide universal operator, DÉMÁSZ Plc. (member of National Public Utilities) is ready to provide electricity to all residential customers concerned. If the given customer is satisfied with the choice of DÉMÁSZ Plc. being the new universal service provider, DÉMÁSZ Plc. will contact the customer in respect of the operator replacement. However, those customers who wish to conclude their new contracts with another electricity supplier or universal service provider, will have to provide for the conclusion of the contract and the initiation of replacing the service provider by themselves to ensure the continuity of the service, until the deadline of September 30, 2017.

All residential customers involved will receive a detailed and full disclosure on the termination of the service within the termination notice.