Press Releases

Donation Line in May and June: for healing children suffering in cancerous diseases and leukaemia

Budapest, May 7, 2013 11:00

In May and June, 2013 people calling Telekom’s hello holnap!  Donation Line contribute to providing appropriate medical appliances for the rehabilitation center built in Bakonybél, caring for children with cancerous diseases and leukaemia.

All children are afraid of the injection needle. Children struggling with serious cancerous diseases and leukaemia need to face that even several times a day. During treatment veins often get inflamed, consequently even a simple venipuncture may cause them serious pain.

Further to pain, the biggest threat for children having to stay in bed for weeks is the lack of physical movement. In case of such patients the tissue of body parts under pressure receive less blood and consequently less oxygen and cells start to die, pressure sore occurs.

There are appliances though using which all these can be avoided.

Implanted „ports” protecting the vascular system, special mattresses preventing pressure soar, portable, medicine dosing pumps ... – just to name a few, easing the pain and discomfort of children, reducing the side effects of their necessary treatment.In the coming two months the National Association collects money for these appliances through the donation line.

The hello holnap! Donation Line is available at number 13688. The number can be called from both Magyar Telekom’s fixed and mobile networks. The fee for the call or sending an SMS is equally HUF 100, which amount is VAT free and is fully transferred to the beneficiary organisation (except for calls initiated with Domino prepaid cards, where 27 percent VAT is deducted).

Charges for calls made between May 1 and June 30, 2013 on the charity line and in the charity booths will be fully transferred to the National Association for Children Suffering in Cancerous Diseases and Leukaemia, as the donation of callers.