Telekom Vivicittá

Telekom Vivicittá, 18-19. April 2015
Vivicittá City Supporter Run–the 30th–was
organized to show how great it is to live in the city. Many join the runners on
April 18-19: young and elder, sportsmen and sportswomen and people running with
their families.
The 30 th city run will be a special one: Budapest will host a two-day Telekom Vivicittá (April 18-19), while people living in the countryside can also join the runners (Nyíregyháza: April 25, Pécs: April 26). As before, Telekom Vivicittá offers several distances for runners: half marathon, Vivicittá run (10 km), Midicittá (7 km), Minicittá (2.5 km) and family run (700 m). As a novelty, three-person relays can also take part, each member running 2 km.
April is the time to celebrate with nature, with those who love moving after the long months of winter. Don’t miss the event!