Press Releases

Magyar Telekom’s programs reach over 4000 students in the Digital Thematic Week

Budapest, April 11, 2016 15:00

Through its initiatives Magyar Telekom Group has also joined the Digital Thematic Week with two of its programs: Become an IT Expert! and the Telekom Smart Digital programs, in the framework of which close to 100 presentations will be delivered in all in over 60 schools all over the country.

The Digital Thematic Week is held for the first time this year from April 4 to 8, organised by the Ministry of Human Resources and coordinated by IVSZ. The aim of the thematic week is to promulgate digital pedagogy and approach, deepen its use, improve digital skills and provide career guidance for students in IT. Schools joining the initiative have the possibility to work on the topics they select using digital devices and methods. Enriched will be by professional experiences the pedagogues, adventures and career guidance the students and valuable tools the institutions taking part in the program.

The world being digitalized confronts everybody with new possibilities as well as new challenges. Magyar Telekom believes that its services contribute to enabling its customers to live a more fulfilled and successful life. As a leading infocommunication company its digital responsibility lies in the fact that it should provide innovative services for an increasingly broader section of the society, and contribute to improving through its educational initiatives Hungary’s digital maturity and literacy.

Focus on career guidance

Magyar Telekom’s career guidance program, called Become an IT Expert! reaches over 2500 students in 40 schools. In the framework of the program IT professionals working for the company demonstrate, on a voluntary basis, the benefits of the IT and engineering professions, the career options they hold for students. Challenging stereotypes they will show that everybody can join them, even those with a creative mindset and girls, contrary to common belief. The aim of the program on the other hand is not only to provide inspiration but also a guidance to help youth in how they can embark upon the career. An organic part of the Become an IT Expert! is a website set up for the program as well as social media channels, where those interested can read interesting facts as well as receive useful tips regarding the profession, the related competitions and traineeship options.

Conscious use of the net

Another program of the company also supported by volunteers is Telekom Smart Digital program, which will also be accommodated in the Digital Thematic Week. Since its inception in 2013 primary and secondary school students are educated in presentations on how to use the net consciously and safely. The courseware has renewed this year in both its form and content on the basis of feedback received from students and pedagogues: the interactive presentation prepared in Prezi focuses even more on the issues youth are preoccupied with. Increasing the success of the program is that children can discuss the issues preoccupying them with professionals who possess up-to-date and practical knowledge in this area due to the nature of their work. Telekom Smart Digital lectures reach over 1600 children in a week in 22 schools all over the country.

The programs offered by Magyar Telekom Group are highly popular in the Digital Thematic Week and, following April 8 the company’s volunteers will visit additional 53 schools to satisfy the needs received.