Earth Hour

"To make the future a better tomorrow!"

earth_hour On March 28, 2009 a worldwide initiative called the Earth Hour was held from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 88 countries and up to 4000 cities have participated and one fifth of the world’s population has switched off lights to call the attention to the climate change and that everybody can do something against it. So maybe it’s not an exageration to say: “this event was the biggest climateprotection initiative in the world” (Ivo de Boer, secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

The purpose of Earth Hour is to draw attention to climate change and its threats, and Magyar Telekom Group considers it important to make its customers aware of the challenge that can have significant adverse effects on the lives of us and our children.

Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour 2010
Earth Hour 2011